Product Hierarchy
Product Hierarchy

1886ENH - Category 7A Enhanced Cable, 4 Pair, S/FTP, LSZH Indoor CPR Dca

Category 7A Enhanced Premise Horizontal Cable (1200MHz) 4-Pair, 23 AWG solid bare copper conductors, S/FTP, Foam Polyethylene insulation, each pair with Beldfoil® shield, overall tinned copper braid shield (30% coverage), LSZH jacket

Product Overview

Suitable Applications: Horizontal and building backbone cable; Support current and future Category 6a, 7 and 7a applications, such as: 10GBase - T (10 Gigabit Ethernet), 1000Base - T (Gigabit Ethernet), 100 Base - T, 10 Base - T, FDDI, ATM

Construction Details

ElementSizeStrandingMaterialNo. of Pairs
Individual Shielded Pair23 AWGSolidBC - Bare Copper4
ElementMaterialNom. Insulation DiameterColor Code
Individual Shielded PairPE - Polyethylene (Foam)1.42 mm (0.0559 in)White & Blue, White & Orange, White & Green, White & Brown
Cable Core
4 pairs twisted together
Inner Shield
ElementShield TypeMaterialCoverage
Individual Shielded PairTapeBi-Laminate (Alum+Poly)100%
Table Notes: Aluminum facing outside
Outer Shield
Shield TypeMaterialCoverage
BraidTinned Copper (TC)30%
Outer Jacket
MaterialNom. DiameterRipcord
LSZH - Low Smoke Zero Halogen (Flame Retardant)7.5 mm (0.30 in)Yes
Overall Cable Diameter (Nominal): 7.5 mm (0.30 in)

Electrical Characteristics

Max. Conductor DCRMax. Mutual CapacitanceMax. Capacitance UnbalanceNom. Characteristic Impedance
95 Ohm/km56 pF/m (17 pF/ft)160 pF/100m100 Ohm
Max. Delay SkewNom. Velocity of Prop.
25 ns/100m76%
High Frequency
Frequency [MHz]Max. Insertion Loss (Attenuation)Min. NEXT [dB]Min. PSNEXT [dB]Min. ACR [dB]Min. PSACR [dB]Min. ACRF (ELFEXT) [dB]Min. PSACRF (PSELFEXT) [dB]Min. RL (Return Loss) [dB]Min. TCL [dB]Min. ELTCTL [dB]
12.1 dB/100m787575.972.97875204035
43.7 dB/100m787574.371.37875233423
105.8 dB/100m787572.269.275.372.3253015
167.3 dB/100m787570.767.771.268.2252810.9
31.210.3 dB/100m787567.764.765.462.423.625.25.1
62.514.6 dB/100m787563.460.459.456.421.522
10018.5 dB/100m75.472.456.953.955.352.320.120
15523.2 dB/100m72.569.549.346.351.548.518.818.1
25029.7 dB/100m69.466.439.736.747.344.317.316
50042.8 dB/100m64.961.922.219.241.338.317.316
60047.1 dB/100m63.760.716.613.639.736.717.3
100061.9 dB/100m60.457.410.635.332.315.1
120068.4 dB/100m59.256.227.324.314.3
Table Notes: Limits below 4MHz and above 1000 MHz are for information only; Reference standard: IEC 61156-5
Transfer Impedance
FrequencyMax. Transfer Impedance
1 MhzMax. 50 mOhm/m
10 MhzMax. 100 mOhm/m
30 MhzMax. 200 mOhm/m
100 MhzMax. 1000 mOhm/m
Transfer Impedance Class: Grade 2
Screening Class: Type Ib
Table Notes: Coupling Attenuation
Voltage Rating
72 V DC

Mechanical Characteristics

-30°C to +60°C0°C To +50°C
Bend Radius
Stationary Min.Installation Min.
29 mm (1.1 in)58 mm
Max. Pull Tension: 85 N (19 lbf)
Bulk Cable Weight: 54 kg/km (36 lbs/1000ft)

Standards and Compliance

Environmental Suitability: Indoor - Euroclass Dca
Flammability / Reaction to Fire: IEC 60332-1-2
CPR Compliance: CPR Euroclass: Dca-s2,d2,a1
IEEE Compliance: PoE: IEEE 802.3bt Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4
Data Category: Category 7A
TIA/EIA Compliance: ANSI/TIA 568.2-D
ISO/IEC Compliance: ISO/IEC 11801-1, IEC 61034-2 - Smoke Density Min Transmittance = 60%
CENELEC Compliance: EN 50173-1, Segregation class according EN50174-2 = d
European Halogen Free Standards: IEC 62821-1 Halogen Free Compliance = Yes, IEC 60754-1 - Halogen Amount = Zero, IEC 60754-2 - Halogen Acid Gas Amount - Max. Conductivity = 2.5 µS/mm, IEC 60754-2 - Halogen Acid Gas Amount - Min. pH = 4.3
European Directive Compliance: EU CE Mark
UK Regulation Compliance: UKCA Mark

Product Notes

Notes: Electrical values are expected performance based on cable testing and representative performance within a typical Belden system.


Update and Revision: Revision Number: 0.299 Revision Date: 10-18-2024

Part Numbers

Item #ColorPutup TypeLengthEAN
1886ENH.01305BlueReel305 m8719605004734
1886ENH.00500Gray, RAL 7032Reel500 m8719605004727
Date: 2013-06-04
No accessories are available for this product